Thursday, February 19, 2015

3 Things That I Noticed On My Walk Home

 This will be the final blog for my Social Media Class. I want to thank you for taking the time and reading it. I hope that it was able to bring some value or humor to you. 
     Currently the eastern U.S. is getting pounded with higher than average snowstorms and could weather, while the western U.S. is experiencing warmer weather. Due to the current warm weather conditions and being blessed with sunshine and temperature in the 50s, I decided to walk home today. It was a beautiful stroll. Campus is so much better with out snow (you can tell that I am ready for summer). As I was enjoying my walk, I started out thinking about my homework and the many other responsibilities that need to be taken care of. As I continued to walk and I ran out of worries to stress about and started enjoying the warm weather. I also started thinking about all the many wonderful blessings that I have in my life. I am truly blessed. Correction, we are truly blessed. During my time on twitter for the social media class, I stumbled upon the hashtag of #firstworldprobs or #1stworldprobs. It is a hashtag used to complain about how the waiter messed up the food order or how the Wifi went out, etc. It’s truly amazing what we take for granted. Our first world problems are a dream for the many less fortunate people. How many times have we been frustrated by the Internet or our smart phones are being slow. We live in an amazing time. We are seeing technology advance faster than ever before at the same time many things are being tossed to the wayside and being taken for granted. Here are only a few of them.
     With cellphones being bigger, faster, and stronger more and more people are unable to unplug and live in the present versus living in the virtual. As I was walking after class, I noticed the majority of students using their phones checking their text messages, email, and social media. I was surprised how well they maneuvered around with their heads down, fixed on their screens, meaning that they walk around like that often. One person was nearly hit as he wandered out in the cross walk when it was a green light.  Another commonplace where this occurs at often is at restaurants. Many couples will go to dinner but be on their phones the entire time.  Unplug and enjoy what is around you.
Verbal Conversation

     It seems like being able to carry a conversation is a dying art. Talking to someone in person or a simple phone call is being replaced with hundreds of emails or text messages. We would much rather place a barrier between us and the other person. I have even fallen to this one on occasion. I am much more inclined to send an email to a coworker or text a stranger than pick up the phone to talk. I am now making an honest effort to remedy this. You should too.

Enjoy the moment
     I thoroughly enjoyed my walk home today. In the world today, everything is moving faster and faster. We become impatient when we have to wait. We also always want the next big thing, or can’t wait when we finally graduate, or when we get that promotion, or when we have our own house, etc. My wife and I recently were talking about how we need to enjoy the present more. My wife is awesome! She said, “if we enjoy what we have now, we will look back years from now and remember how much fun we had when we had very little and not remember how busy we were or what we didn’t have.” I love my wife.


So, my advice to you is to unplug more often, speak up and talk to people away from texting or email, and above all enjoy the moment - after all years down the road when we are all grown up, we will look back at our college days. I hope that we can remember how much we enjoyed the moment versus how much we worried about the future.

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