Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why I Think America Needs to Be More Like Ron Swanson.

Why I think America needs more people like Ron Swanson.

     I am considered to be a millennial, or from the younger generation. For the most part my generation is known for being entitled, having a poor work ethic, and just down right selfish. We are not considered the greatest generation. We haven't done much but expect to receive more than our fair cut or at least that is what other generations are saying. This is why I believe America needs more people like Ron Swanson, a character from the TV series of Parks and Recreation.
He is a man’s man. Here are three things that we can learn from Ron Swanson. 

1. Never misses breakfast- He starts out every day with a good helping of plenty bacon and eggs. I think at times we are too busy to enjoy a good breakfast to start our day off right. We need to make time to eat more bacon and eggs. 

2. Simple- He is a man who has few simple pleasures in life: whisky, woodworking, and Steak. Life is all about the simple pleasures. Too often we can fall into "keeping up with the Jones" or trying to do too much or be too much. We need to enjoy our simple pleasures. It doesn't even have to be whisky, woodworking, or steak.

3. Solid values- Ron says, "a man is only as good as his word." We live in a time where black and white values and standards are being eroded into a thick sea of gray. Where decisions are made based on what is popular or what will have the most selfish benefits. We need to stand tall and be like Ron Swanson and not be swayed by what is popular. We may even need to grow mustaches if necessary. 

“There’s only one thing I hate more than lying, skim milk. Which is water lying about being milk.”
 -Ron Swanson

Swanson Pyramid of Greatness- What every person should live by

Click here to be enlightened by Ron

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Things That I Learned in the 2nd Grade

           Another week has come and gone. I am amazed with how weeks feel like days and how some of my classes feel like weeks. This week I have decided to share with you something that I do not share with just anyone. Yeah, you’re special. I am going to share my most embarrassing moment with you. By all means I do not try to “one up” anyone when it comes to embarrassing moments, but it’s pretty good. I will let you decide.

            It all happened when I was in the 2nd grade. It happened on a day just like any other, during a morning recess in late October. I loved recess. I wish we could still enjoy the carefree play between our studies. When Mrs. Cottam (who had a very large bottom), the teacher on duty, would blow her whistle to end recess. When this happened, my class always lined up in the same area to wait for our teacher, Ms. Eliason, to come get us. We would line up in two separate lines one for the boys and the girls, facing towards the doors closest to our classroom.
            On this particular day, I happened to be playing closer to the doors. The heavyset teacher on duty blew her whistle to signal that recess was over. I was quick to get to our line up spot and was first in line. My friend, Tyson, was right behind me. I felt so cool to be the first one in line. Standing next to me in the girl’s line was Megan, I had the biggest crush any 2nd grader could have on her. At this time my teacher had exited the doors and was making her way towards us to lead us inside.
            Then it happened. It happened so fast that I only knew what was going on by the facial expression that my teacher made. She went from having a sweet smile to a shocked face. My new enemy, Tyson, that was behind me, decided to pull down my pants but grabbed more than just my pants. He had pulled down everything. That’s right my pants and my power ranger briefs were down around my ankles. I quickly reacted trying to salvage my 2nd grade pride, but it was too late. All the girls in my class had seen my backside and my teacher had seen my front side.
            My life was over. The girls couldn’t stop screaming and giggling. I can’t begin to describe the feelings that rushed through my body, and I am not even talking about the cold crisp October air. My teacher handled it with grace. Tyson was punished for his crime. As time passed, so did the memory of the incident fade from my classmates’ minds or so I thought.
            About two years ago, I was walking on campus through the student center on my way to class, when I bumped into Megan. I hadn’t seen her since elementary school. After some catching up she reminded me of that crisp October day.
            This experience while embarrassing, has taught me many lessons.
1.     Don’t trust anyone named Tyson.
2.      Always wear a belt or suspenders, always!
3.     If you have to wear superhero undies try to go with the classic heroes like batman or superman.
4.     Time may heal all wounds but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a scar to talk about.
5.     October mornings can be chilly.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Kickoff Post

Hello world and fellow classmates! I am currently taking a social media marketing class from the local university. One of the assignments is to create a blog and write about something that I am passionate about. Since the assignment was presented to us, I have been thinking of what I am passionate about. I have struggled to locate just one particular item to try to shine some light on. With that said, I have decided to write about multiple things. In other words, it is a blog about nothing. Please share your thoughts below. I may just blog about what you comment.